

JUser: :_load: 不能加载此会员;会员 ID : 124
Code: 53500


Ugo Basile电损毁仪设计用来对小动物产生局部电损伤,直流电为射频形式。





Lesion Making Device Lesion Making Device


    特点 优点
    电流产生器防止短路 防止电子设备损坏,保证安全
    宽大电流输出范围 (10uA-99mA) 和持续时间 (1-99 s) 适用于几乎所有程序
    三种操作模式 连续,等待,定时
    错位操作LED指示灯 表明是否违规操作

    电损毁仪:恒定直流电                              控制温度:0-30℃
    电流范围:10-99mA , 或手动控制                    声音级别:<45dB
    最大电极和电阻:20 MOhm (10µA) 致2 KOhm (100mA)   错误操作监视器:黄色LED 灯
    电源监控:红色LED灯                               电源要求:115或230伏,50/60Hz20W

    尺寸:    25*15*11cm
    净重:    1.5kg
    毛重:    大约2.8kg

    The surgically or electrically induced lesion has served as an important tool in the exper-imental search for function in the CNS. Its value has derived in part from the simplicity with which it can be used to study neural mechanisms of behaviour at a basic level.

    The advent of the stereotaxic technique, moreover, allowed researchers to produce dis-cretely placed lesions with consistency, especially in sub-cortical structures of the brain.

    The strength of the lesion technique resides also in the variety of ways with which to ap-ply it. Manipulating the type of lesion (DC, RF, knife cut, etc.), its size, the type of elec-trode, the angle of entry, and so on, should continue to expose critically important as-pects of neural functions because of the different effects that are produced.

    It is no coincidence that the history of the development of these techniques is closely tied to the recent history of theories regarding localization of function in the brain. The tradi-tional view, whose basic tenets are that (1) the functions are represented in discrete brain structures and that (2) the lesions disrupt function by removal of functional tissue in circumscribed sites, have been recently challenged by growing evidence of the importance of secondary changes.

    These are induced by a lesion, both directly (necrosis, anterograde and retrograde de-generation) and indirectly (transneuronal degeneration, regeneration and sprouting, al-teration of neurochemical pools, vascular disruption) and may comprise the more signifi-cal neurological changes which can account for alteration of behaviour in a lesion exper-iment.

    New strategy of research utilizing lesions is proposed, suggesting that greater emphasis be placed on the a posteriori assessment of secondary changes in the brain as they are correlated with changes in behaviour.

    53500  电损毁仪
    53500-310 3组输出插头
    E-WP 008电源软线 

    {module Bibliography on 53500}

  • KDS 微型注射泵
    Ugo Basile展示了一个全新一代的微处理器控制的注射泵。它们是专门为需要在低、无脉冲流量的情况下高计量精度的应用而设计的。
  • 数据采集系统
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