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Code: 38450


电子触觉测量仪(e-VF)采用Ugo Basile原创设计,用于评估大、小鼠过敏症和触诱发痛。该设备可自动记录动物的受刺激时间和刺激强度。

电子触觉测量仪(e-VF)采用Ugo Basile原创设计,用于评估大、小鼠过敏症和触诱发痛。该设备可自动记录动物的受刺激时间和刺激强度。独特的三棱镜设计,使得实验时观察受试动物足底区域变得非常容易。测试过程中,设备可自行感应受试动物缩回受测爪,也可通过脚踏开关人为判断。实验人员可以自行调节刺激频率,同时e-VF包含软件,设备可存储上百个实验数据,且可方便导入至电脑中。

*  电子元件
*  触摸感受器和独特的三棱镜设计

*  软件


e-VF e-VF


    特征 优点
    最大力值是1000g 自动识别动物反应
    刺激力分辨率为0.1g 用户可控制施力力率
    同款设备可用于大、小鼠 原创三棱镜观测动物足底设计

    38450 e-VF电子触觉测量仪配有如下部件

    38450 - 001  电子单元,电源
    38450 - 004  Touch-Stimulator换能器
    38450 - 310  棱镜
    38500 - 011  DCA软件(USB密钥)

    38450 - 302  说明书(USB密钥)


    37450 - 005  足底刺激穿孔金属板
    37450 - 278  足底刺激基础设备,穿孔金属板&动物外壳



    包装规格:46 x38x27cm


    Impaired cutaneous sensation is usually first manife­sted in a loss of light touch detection. The Electronic Von Frey was developed to quantify light touch in the laboratory animal.

    The classic instrument for test of touch sensitivity is the Von Frey hair or, more specifically, the Semmes- Weinstein set of Von Frey Hairs, i.e., 20 monofilaments in a linear scale of physical force.

    The hair is pressed against the skin, the force applied increases with incre­asing hand pressure, until the hair bends; once the hair is bent, increasing hand approach causes further bend, but negligible additional force on the skin. In this way, a given filament always applies the same force, not subject to variation by the energy of the operator.

    The Semmes-Weinstein set can be used on rodents (which respond to light touch of the paw, if they feel it, by a paw withdrawal reflex). However, the involved proce­dure is tedious and time-consuming because several stimulations must be performed for a single test (i.e. a different filament for each force level).

    Compared to the classic Von Frey Hairs, the Electronic Von Frey device (e-VF) has the advantage of ensuring a continuous force application along the whole force capacity of the sensor (i.e. 1-1000 gf), by using a rigid metal tip, and the capability to record the animal response automatically.

    Moreover, the metal tip used in the e-VF is the same as the one used in the classic Ugo Basile Dy­namic Plantar Aesthesiometer (PN 37450), allowing consistent comparison of results among the two instru­ments.

    38450 电子触觉测量仪
    38450-001 电子元件               
    38450-004 手持刺激器
    38450-310  菱形镜
    38450-330  顶针
    38450-323 附加触发器(脚踏板)
    52010-325 连接线
    E-AU 059 万能电源
    E-AU 041 USB 
    38450-302      安装说明书  
    DCA              软件   




    {module Bibliography on 38450}

  • 新版冷热板
  • 大鼠转棒仪-新版
    转棒实验是运动协调方面药物筛选的重要方法。根据 N.W Dunham 和 T.S Miya 1957年的论文。Ugo Basile在1960年设计了第一台RotaRod转棒仪。从此以后成千上万的论文中引用了RotaRod转棒仪,在业内被广泛熟知。
  • 触觉测量套件 Von Frey Hairs
    触觉测量套件是由20根尼龙纤维丝组成,英文中称为 Von Frey filaments 或Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments,主要用于评估皮肤的触觉,是非常受欢迎的非侵入式实验器材
  • 压力应用测量仪(测量关节痛)
  • 动态足底触觉仪
    动态足底触觉仪是用以自动评估啮齿类动物跖面的“触觉感应”。它与电子触觉测量(Electronic Von Frey )和足底触觉测量(Plantar Von Frey )类似,不同之处在于它能记录持续时间和爪缩回时的作用力。
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